FELICES AÑOS 20, El automóvil y sus circunstancias


Author: Fundación Jorge Jove | Publishes: Fundación Jorge Jove | Year: 2015 | Collaborates: ANJOCA | Language: Spanish


The Foundation, for over ten years, has been working on the publishing of a book for each decade in the history of the automotive industry, from the appearance of the first internal combustion automobile until the 90s.

Showing Automotive and the History of the 20s through history, the automotive industry, technological milestones and the arts, with an emphasis on cinema, was the theme of the exhibition held at ExpoCoruña, at the same time as the fair of the self-employment, and moment chosen for the presentation of this book.

This publication was distributed to people of different ages, which allowed the Foundation to compile a very enriching set of opinions that will allow the Automotive and History Collection to be tailored to more widely accepted profiles.

During the exhibition, copies of this book were sold and the collected amount was donated to five non-profit institutions present at the contest.